02 November 2007

Tattoo Again

When I did my tattoo years ago (when I was a lot younger), it was a spur of a moment thing.. Was on a vacation in Koh Samui with Fiksee.. Lots of partying and lots of hanging out on the beach nursing a hangover.. Followed by more partying.. Anyway, with a mixture of holiday silliness and youthful impulsion, I decided to take the plunge! I thought, "Yeah.. I can go through the pain once in a lifetime.." The reward will be worth it.. I get to tell my granchildren that granma was cool once upon a time.. ;)

No one ever told me that it is NOT a once-in-a-lifetime thingy BEFORE I did it!! With the usual dead skin cells shedding off, you need to do touch ups about every 5 years to keep it looking decent!!

Now, 6 years down the road (I tried to put it off as long as I could), I decided that if I'm going to have to endure the pain again, I might as well have a major makeover my lil seahorse (yes, that's what it was meant to be, though my x boss insists on calling it a "heh bee" aka dried shrimp).. So, off I went, in September, to Borneo Ink to meet Eddie to see what magic he could do.. Boy, he has a waiting list of more than a month!!

My appointment was today. Eddie had a look.. Cursed the previous tattooist for being an amateur.. :P Whipped out his pen and started sketching.. Then off he went buzzing around with the needle. In slightly more than an hour, my seahorse is transformed.. Eddie's work of art is amazing!

So, here I am with a brand new pink seahorse.. It is now at least
one and a half times bigger (oops!) and fully coloured (I didn't allow the previous tattooist to colour it coz it got too painful).. What do you think?

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